Das ist das Blog von Sven Hasselbach über Themen aus der Entwicklung und alles, was ihm sonst so durch den Kopf geht.
Seit 2003 als freiberuflicher Entwickler deutschlandweit im Einsatz, mit dem Schwerpunkten Lotus Notes & XPages, Spring, Java & OSGi
IBM ICS Champion 2013
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- Chris Eggenberger bei xsp.application.context.proxy
- Chris Eggenberger bei xsp.application.context.proxy
- Displaying Markdown in an XPage using the showdown.js library - bei XPages: Inject CSJS code at page top
Archiv der Kategorie: JEE
Domino & REST: Debug your Plugin
When developing OSGi Plugins, you should have your own development server running on your local machine. Not only because of the faster deployment of changes (a new version of a plugin must always deployed with a HTTP restart), but because … Weiterlesen
Domino & REST: More about Jackson
When creating a REST API servlet, Jackson provides a huge list of possibilities to manipulate the JSON data, mostly using annotations. Let’s demonstrate some of them with this little class, which has only two properties: public class Demo { private String foo; … Weiterlesen
Veröffentlicht unter Apache Wink, Jackson, JEE, REST
Verschlagwortet mit Apache Wink, Domino, Jackson, REST, Web
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Domino & REST: Accessing Domino’s Environment / Check Authentication
If we want to access Domino’s Environment, it is the ContextInfo class which gives us all we need. Everything you need to do to use the class is described in an earlier blog post. The class gives mainly access to the … Weiterlesen
Veröffentlicht unter Apache Wink, Jackson, Java, JEE, REST
Verschlagwortet mit Apache Wink, Domino, HTTP, Jackson, Java, OSGi, REST, Web
3 Kommentare
Domino & REST: Consuming JSON
Consuming JSON is as easy as pie: Just create a new method to the RestApiServlet, add a @POST annotation, and declare the object you want to the parameters of the method: @POST @Path(„/helloworld/“) @Consumes(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public Response postHelloWorld(HelloWorld helloWorld) … Weiterlesen
Veröffentlicht unter Apache Wink, Jackson, Java, JEE, REST
Verschlagwortet mit Apache Wink, Domino, HTTP, Jackson, REST, Web
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Domino & REST: A basic Servlet
To have a good starting point when creating RESTful applications on top of Domino, I have created a „Hello World“ example of a JEE Application, based on Apache Wink & Jackson 2.5.0. The Jackson AnnotaionProcessor is registered into Apache Wink … Weiterlesen
Domino & REST: Listeners for Initialization & Destroying of a Servlet
If you need to know when your Servlet is initialized or destroyed, you can use a ServletContextListener in your application. First, create the class AppServletContextListener and implement the javax.servlet.ServletContextListener interface. This provides two methods for capturing the events: contextInitialized and … Weiterlesen