Das ist das Blog von Sven Hasselbach über Themen aus der Entwicklung und alles, was ihm sonst so durch den Kopf geht.
Seit 2003 als freiberuflicher Entwickler deutschlandweit im Einsatz, mit dem Schwerpunkten Lotus Notes & XPages, Spring, Java & OSGi
IBM ICS Champion 2013
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- Chris Eggenberger bei xsp.application.context.proxy
- Chris Eggenberger bei xsp.application.context.proxy
- Displaying Markdown in an XPage using the showdown.js library - bei XPages: Inject CSJS code at page top
Archiv der Kategorie: XPages
Testing XPages
When testing XPages with Selenium, you can easily pre-generate the JUnit test code with the browser plugin. But when you then change the structure of the XPage (f.e. by moving the components from an XPage to a custom control), all the IDs … Weiterlesen
XPages: A ClientSide State
I have created a ClientSide State for XPages, which allows horizontal scaling of XPages applications with a single click. After installing the OSGi Plugin on the servers and the DDE, you can activate it with a single click: Then, the … Weiterlesen
The XPages EL Directory
I am currently working on an overview of available objects and properties for XPages Expression Language. A first incomplete and horrible designed version can be found here.
Veröffentlicht unter Expression Language, XPages
Verschlagwortet mit Domino, Expression Language, XPages
2 Kommentare
XPages: SSJS, EL and Bindings
Because of reasons you should already know I avoid the use of SSJS in my XPages applications, but there are still some parts which can be easy realized in SSJS, but with EL only with a lot of effort. One of … Weiterlesen
XPages: An optimized JavaScript Resource Renderer
Ferry Kranenburg created a nice hack to solve the AMD loader problem with XPages and Dojo, and because of the missing ability to add a resource to the bottom of an XPage by a property, I have created a new … Weiterlesen
Veröffentlicht unter Java, JSF, XPages
Verschlagwortet mit 9.0, Java, Java Script, JSF, XPages
8 Kommentare
Just a reminder for myself: To use a CDN for XPage resources, you can add a leading slash to the xsp.application.context.proxy property. xsp.application.context.proxy=/
Veröffentlicht unter Performance, Web, XPages
Verschlagwortet mit 9.0, Domino, Performance, Web, XPages
4 Kommentare
XPages: Running Google’s Chrome V8 Javascript Engine (2)
A while ago I tried to run Google’s V8 Javascript engine on top of XPages, and today I found the reason why my server crashed after the first click: I have tried to load the engine only once (statically), and … Weiterlesen
Veröffentlicht unter ServerSide JavaScript, XPages
Verschlagwortet mit 9.0, Domino, HTTP, Java, ServerSide JavaScript, XPages
2 Kommentare
XPages: Empty HTML5 Attibutes & PassThroughTags
A while ago I developed some HTML5 XPages applications, but the development process was a little bit frustrating because of the missing possibility to add empty attributes to a PassThroughTag. A single empty attribute is not allowed, because this would … Weiterlesen
Raspberry Pi vs. IBM Bluemix – 1:0
I had some time last night (the whole family had gone to bed early), so I spent some to look at the XPages integration into Bluemix. I found the Greenwell Travel Expenses Demo: But after clicking a link, the page … Weiterlesen
XPages: WebContent Files (3) – Create a Minimizer Servlet
Because of Stefano Fois comment I decided to write an example about how to create a minimizer servlet for Domino which compresses JavaScript resources on the fly. This is, again, a simple Proof-Of-Concept, nothing more and nothing less. First, I downloaded the YUICompressor, … Weiterlesen
Veröffentlicht unter Java, Java Script, Web, XPages
Verschlagwortet mit Domino, Java, Java Script, JSF, XPages, XSP
6 Kommentare