Quick-n-Dirty: Upgrading XPiNC / XULRunner

I have tested a small upgrade of XULRunner (the internal browser used for XPiNC applications) and successfully changed the version from to in DDE 8.5.3 and 9.0.

Version was released on 15.10.2010
Release Notes for Firefox 3.6.10
Version was released on 13.03.2012
Release Notes for Firefox 3.6.28

To do this by your own you have process the following steps:

  1. Close Notes and Designer completly
  2. Download the package for your platform from mozilla.org
  3. Extract the ZIP file
  4. Open the folder <NOTES>\framework\rcp\eclipse\plugins
  5. Open the folder com.ibm.rcp.xulrunner.runtime.win32.x86_6.2.3.20110915-1350 [The name of the folder depends on your DDE]
  6. Rename the folder xulrunner to xulrunner_bak (if you have problems with DDE you can switch back later by renaming the folder)
  7. Copy the xulrunner folder from the downloaded ZIP into this folder
  8. Restart Notes

P.S. Keep in mind that this article has been posted in the “Quick-n-Dirty” category.

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5 Antworten zu Quick-n-Dirty: Upgrading XPiNC / XULRunner

  1. Unfortunately, that does not help much regarding performance and CSS features.
    The latest version of Xulrunner is 23 ( Xulrunner releases ), but it cannot be easily added to Eclipse, because there are no Java bindings.
    The latest version I know that had bindings is Xulrunner 10 (=Firefox 10), which we are using in an Eclipse RCP, but this requires an update to Eclipse 3.8 and I would not expect IBM to do this (IBM Notes R9 is still based on Eclipse 3.4.2).

  2. Lars Berntrop-Bos sagt:

    Why would you do this?

    • I was asked by a customer if it is possible to upgrade the browser used in XPiNC applications. This is my first solution to upgrade it to a version younger then two years, and there is a long list of security fixes available between these two versions.

      And it was really interesting to see how easy it is to change the browser version.

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