DomiNodeJS: Node.js on Domino

A while ago I started a new project which allows a seamless integration of Node.js into the Domino server.

The project is hosted on GitHub:

The Node.js server is running as a DOTS task, and under the hood the J2V8 project is used for the V8 integration.

Currently, the project is a pre alpha, and it it is more for fun than for profit. There are a lot of open questions about the architecture, but it shows what cool things can be done with Domino.

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4 Antworten zu DomiNodeJS: Node.js on Domino

  1. Heiko Voigt sagt:

    That IS COOL !!! Great Job ! I can only agree – totally cool stuff you can do with Domino.

  2. Daniele Vistalli sagt:

    Great concept (and work). I really appreciate what you’re doing.

    When I started CrossWorlds (, to bring WebSphere Liberty to Domino, I aimed to get to this same kind of integration.

    Unfortunately with domino being on Java 1.6 the result I got to were not friendly enough for admins / developers to convince me to continue investing time in the growth of CrossWorlds.

    I’m really looking forward to IBM announcements as it could be time for a re-boot to get Liberty both on Domino and on the Client (Liberty + ICAA + Electron = a modern Notes client for the desktop).

    I want to hear and see before taking actions. But more than a demise the upcoming years could possibly be a renaissance.

    Efforts like yours can easily capture interest in developers (even new developer) and make building modern apps a reality.

    We just need to mark „lotuscript“ as legacy, XPages as „nice try“ and move on.

    Note: I was a fan of XPages.. BUT it failed to maintain its promise due to slow adoption and limited investment. At this point I think it’s far better to go after technologies & methodologies current developers can easily learn.

  3. John Jardin sagt:

    Hi Sven. This is really intriguing. I’ve been working on a few Node.JS projects this year and would like to see this in action. Will check it out soonest.

    Awesome stuff!!!

  4. Hi Sven,

    Very interesting project, if you have the time record a screencast showing it.
    Perhaps write a list how people can help with the project.

    Collaborative Software development is fun

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