XPages: Bootstrap File Input

When using the default file upload control in a Bootstrap application, the default file upload button does not fit anymore to the design:

To fix this issue, you can use a small jQuery plugin named Twitter Bootstrap File Input. When this plugin is added to your XPage, the button will look like this:


To initialize the jQuery plugin, you have to call it with a selector which selects all DOM elements of type file:

               function() {

The description of the button can be changed by setting the title attribute. Additionally, you can choose if the file name will be displayed inside or outside of the button:

To place it inside, you need to add the attribute data-filename-placement to the file upload control:

    title="Datei auswählen">
            value="inside" />

Because I have added it to a Custom Control and use it multiple times on a XPage, I have changed the original code and added a flag to prevent multiple calls, otherwise all file elements are modified over and over again:

Here is the modified code:

  Bootstrap - File Input

  This is meant to convert all file input tags into a set of elements that displays consistently in all browsers.

  Converts all
  <input type="file">
  into Bootstrap buttons

  Sven Hasselbach, 26.03.2014:
  Added a fix to prevent multiple wrapping 

(function($) {

$.fn.bootstrapFileInput = function() {


    var $elem = $(elem);

    // Maybe some fields don't need to be standardized.
    if (typeof $elem.attr('data-bfi-disabled') != 'undefined') {

    // --- Fix to prevent multiple wrapping 
    // Sven Hasselbach, 26.03.2014

    // check for an existing 'wrapped' attribute'

    // add the 'wrapped' attribute
    $elem.attr('wrapped', 'true');
    // --- End of Fix    
    // Set the word to be displayed on the button
    var buttonWord = 'Browse';

    if (typeof $elem.attr('title') != 'undefined') {
      buttonWord = $elem.attr('title');

    var className = '';

    if (!!$elem.attr('class')) {
      className = ' ' + $elem.attr('class');

    // Now we're going to wrap that input field with a Bootstrap button.
    // The input will actually still be there, it will just be float above and transparent (done with the CSS).

  // After we have found all of the file inputs let's apply a listener for tracking the mouse movement.
  // This is important because the in order to give the illusion that this is a button in FF we actually need to move the button from the file input under the cursor. Ugh.
  .promise().done( function(){

    // As the cursor moves over our new Bootstrap button we need to adjust the position of the invisible file input Browse button to be under the cursor.
    // This gives us the pointer cursor that FF denies us
    $('.file-input-wrapper').mousemove(function(cursor) {

      var input, wrapper,
        wrapperX, wrapperY,
        inputWidth, inputHeight,
        cursorX, cursorY;

      // This wrapper element (the button surround this file input)
      wrapper = $(this);
      // The invisible file input element
      input = wrapper.find("input");
      // The left-most position of the wrapper
      wrapperX = wrapper.offset().left;
      // The top-most position of the wrapper
      wrapperY = wrapper.offset().top;
      // The with of the browsers input field
      inputWidth= input.width();
      // The height of the browsers input field
      inputHeight= input.height();
      //The position of the cursor in the wrapper
      cursorX = cursor.pageX;
      cursorY = cursor.pageY;

      //The positions we are to move the invisible file input
      // The 20 at the end is an arbitrary number of pixels that we can shift the input such that cursor is not pointing at the end of the Browse button but somewhere nearer the middle
      moveInputX = cursorX - wrapperX - inputWidth + 20;
      // Slides the invisible input Browse button to be positioned middle under the cursor
      moveInputY = cursorY- wrapperY - (inputHeight/2);

      // Apply the positioning styles to actually move the invisible file input

    $('body').on('change', '.file-input-wrapper input[type=file]', function(){

      var fileName;
      fileName = $(this).val();

      // Remove any previous file names
      if (!!$(this).prop('files') && $(this).prop('files').length > 1) {
        fileName = $(this)[0].files.length+' files';
      else {
        fileName = fileName.substring(fileName.lastIndexOf('\\') + 1, fileName.length);

      // Don't try to show the name if there is none
      if (!fileName) {

      var selectedFileNamePlacement = $(this).data('filename-placement');
      if (selectedFileNamePlacement === 'inside') {
        // Print the fileName inside
        $(this).attr('title', fileName);
      } else {
        // Print the fileName aside (right after the the button)



// Add the styles before the first stylesheet
// This ensures they can be easily overridden with developer styles
var cssHtml = '<style>'+
  '.file-input-wrapper { overflow: hidden; position: relative; cursor: pointer; z-index: 1; }'+
  '.file-input-wrapper input[type=file], .file-input-wrapper input[type=file]:focus, .file-input-wrapper input[type=file]:hover { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; cursor: pointer; opacity: 0; filter: alpha(opacity=0); z-index: 99; outline: 0; }'+
  '.file-input-name { margin-left: 8px; }'+


Thanks to Gregory Pike for his good work. The jQuery plugin is distributed under Apache License.

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2 Antworten zu XPages: Bootstrap File Input

  1. Oliver Busse sagt:

    Great! Thanks for sharing!
    Just implemented this in my FileSilo 🙂

  2. Ossi sagt:

    Greate code, thanks 4 sharing.
    Makes the file upload control look alot nicer.

    Just one thing though. I hade to change this row:
    ' $elem.wrap('').parent().prepend($('').html(buttonWord));'
    back for this from the original code:
    or it didnt work for me.
    Cheers /Ossi

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