HowTo: Vaadin on Domino

This example requires a valid XPages Plugin Development Environment. The execution environment used is the XPages Domino JRE.

1. Create a new plug-in project and select „Equinox“ as OSGi framework

01 - New Plugin Project

2. Set the name of the activator class to „ch.hasselba.vaadin.Activator

02 - Activator Class

3. Open the MANIFEST.MF file

03 - Manifest

4. On Tab „Overview„, activate the option for lazy loading and the singleton property

04 - Singleton

5. Go to „Dependencies“ tab and add the required plugin „

05 - Dependencies - Required Plugins 01

When entering „pvc„, you can easily find the plugin from the list:

05 - Dependencies - Required Plugins 02

6. Then, add  „javax.servlet“ and „javax.servlet.http“ to the list of imported packages

06 - Dependencies -ImportedPackages

7. Now, download the Jar files for Vaadin. The files can be found here (the All-in-One archive is the right one).

8. Import the Jars to the project

08 - Import - Vaadin Jars 01

08 - Import - Vaadin Jars 02

The required Jars are:

  • vaadin-client-7.3.8.jar
  • vaadin-client-compiled-7.3.8.jar
  • vaadin-client-compiler-7.3.8.jar
  • vaadin-push-7.3.8.jar
  • vaadin-server-7.3.8.jar
  • vaadin-shared-7.3.8.jar
  • vaadin-themes-7.3.8.jar

08 - Import - Vaadin Jars 03

9. Do this with „jsoup“ and „org.json“ libaries too:

09 - Import - Other Jar

10. Now, go to the „Runtime“ tab and add the classpathes (don’t forget to move the „.“ to the top of the list)

10 - Runtime - Classpath 02

10 - Runtime - Classpath

The symbol of the filetypes have now changed:

10 - Runtime - Classpath 03

11. On tab „Overview„, click on „Extensions“ to open the Extension tab

11 - Overview - Extensions

Click on „Yes“ to open the „Extension“ tab:

11 - Overview - Extensions 02

12. Here, you have to add the extension point „

12 - Extension - Add 01

12 - Extension - Add 02

13. Open „plugin.xml“

13 - Plugin_XML

14. … and configure the extension point:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?eclipse version="3.4"?>



contextRoot defines the URL pattern where the Vaadin servlet is reachable.  contentLocation is a folder where the required web.xml configuration file can be found.

Save the „plugin.xml“ file.

15. Create the folder „WebContent„…

15 - Folder 01

15 - Folder 02

16. … and then a second folder „WEB-INF“ inside of „WebContent

17. Create the „web.xml“ file in this folder, the tree should look like this:

17 - WebFolder Structure

18. The „web.xml“ contains the configuration of the servlet:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<web-app version="2.5" xmlns="" 

        <description>Vaadin production mode</description>


The <init-param> tag inside <servlet> defines our UI class of our application. We will create this class later. The <servlet-mapping> defines a mapping inside the webapplication path.

This means, if you would add a url-pattern like „/helloVaadinServlet/*“ to the Vaadin servlet, the URL to reach the application is

The „/helloVaadin/“ part is the defined in the contextPath parameter in the web application. When using another pattern as „/*„, an additional mapping for the Vaadin resources is required:


19. Go to „Build“ tab, and include the „Web-Content“ folder:

19 - Build - Add WebContent 01

The following line should now appear in the file which includes the folder in the final Jar.

19 - Build - Add WebContent 02

20. Create the Vaadin servlet class „ch.hasselba.vaadin.HelloVaadinUI“

20. Servlet Class 01

20. Servlet Class 03

21. Add the following code to the class

package ch.hasselba.vaadin;

import com.vaadin.server.VaadinRequest;
import com.vaadin.server.VaadinServlet;
import com.vaadin.shared.ui.label.ContentMode;
import com.vaadin.ui.Alignment;
import com.vaadin.ui.HorizontalLayout;
import com.vaadin.ui.Label;
import com.vaadin.ui.UI; 

public class HelloVaadinUI extends UI {
    public static class Servlet extends VaadinServlet {
    protected void init(VaadinRequest request) {
        HorizontalLayout layout = new HorizontalLayout();

        Label label = new Label();
        label.setValue("<h1>Hello Vaadin!</h1>");
        layout.setComponentAlignment(label, Alignment.TOP_CENTER);


22. At the end, organize the manifest. Open tab „Overview“ and start the „Organize Manifest Wizard

22 - Overview - Organize Manifest 01

22 - Overview - Organize Manifest 02

This updates the manifest and adds all resources for the Vaadin application.

22 - Overview - Organize Manifest 03

Last but not least, save all project files.

25. Create a Feature Project named „HelloVaadinFeature“ and click on „Next

Feature 00

27. Select the „HelloVaadin“ Plug-In

Feature 02

28. On the „Plugins“ tab, check the option „Unpack the plug-in archive after the installation„:

Feature 03

Save the file and…

29. … create the Update Site „HelloVaadinUpdateSite

UpdateSite 01

UpdateSite 02

Add the feature…

UpdateSite 03

UpdateSite 04

… and build the site:

UpdateSite 05

30. Import it to the Update Site on the Domino server and restart the HTTP task

31. That’s it! Open the URL in the browser and enjoy.

99 - Hello Vaadin

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8 Antworten zu HowTo: Vaadin on Domino

  1. Jesse Gallagher sagt:

    Cool! I was wondering if it’d be possible to do that, and it’s promising to see that it is.

  2. I’d do a few things in another way to simplify this rough example.

    Also organizing the manifest isn’t necessary. Putting the libs into WebContent/lib would be IMHO more appropriate. The vaadin-push jar isn’t needed.

    • I deploy the Jar’s in an extra plug-in. Then it is not required to store them in every application. I skipped these extra steps to shorten this tutorial a little bit (but that’s why I imported the push library, I just copied the setup from my dev environment).

  3. David sagt:

    Wow, and all of this just to do xPages with Vaadin? So unbelievably difficult!

  4. Pingback: From XPages to Web App Part Seven: OSGi Application Development Introduction - Intec Systems | IBM Business Partner | Collaboration Solutions Provider

  5. Andrew GR sagt:

    Sven, thank you so much for the cook-book! )

    I have the following question: is it possible to deploy JSF 2.3 in the same way?

    I have tried to deploy JSF 2.0, 2.1, 2.3, but always get the exception like the following (from JSF v2.3):

    Unable to obtain InjectionProvider from init time FacesContext. Does this container implement the Mojarra Injection SPI?
    Application was not properly initialized at startup, could not find Factory: javax.faces.context.FacesContextFactory. Attempting to find backup.
    Uncaught init() exception thrown by servlet {0}: {2}
    CWPWC0005E: Error occurred while initializing servlet wrapper. javax.servlet.ServletException: Uncaught initialization exception thrown by servlet Thread[Thread-6,5,main]
    CWPWC0005E: Error occurred while initializing servlet wrapper. javax.servlet.ServletException: Uncaught initialization exception thrown by servlet
    Application was not properly initialized at startup, could not find Factory: javax.faces.context.FacesContextFactory. Attempting to find backup.
    Uncaught init() exception thrown by servlet {0}: {2}

  6. Ihar sagt:

    Can you tell me how to do the same for GWT?
    HowTo: GWT on Domino?

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