This example requires a valid XPages Plugin Development Environment. The execution environment used is the XPages Domino JRE.
1. Create a new plug-in project and select „Equinox“ as OSGi framework
2. Set the name of the activator class to „ch.hasselba.vaadin.Activator“
3. Open the MANIFEST.MF file
4. On Tab „Overview„, activate the option for lazy loading and the singleton property
5. Go to „Dependencies“ tab and add the required plugin „“
When entering „pvc„, you can easily find the plugin from the list:
6. Then, add „javax.servlet“ and „javax.servlet.http“ to the list of imported packages
7. Now, download the Jar files for Vaadin. The files can be found here (the All-in-One archive is the right one).
8. Import the Jars to the project
The required Jars are:
- vaadin-client-7.3.8.jar
- vaadin-client-compiled-7.3.8.jar
- vaadin-client-compiler-7.3.8.jar
- vaadin-push-7.3.8.jar
- vaadin-server-7.3.8.jar
- vaadin-shared-7.3.8.jar
- vaadin-themes-7.3.8.jar
9. Do this with „jsoup“ and „org.json“ libaries too:
10. Now, go to the „Runtime“ tab and add the classpathes (don’t forget to move the „.“ to the top of the list)
The symbol of the filetypes have now changed:
11. On tab „Overview„, click on „Extensions“ to open the Extension tab
Click on „Yes“ to open the „Extension“ tab:
12. Here, you have to add the extension point „“
13. Open „plugin.xml“…
14. … and configure the extension point:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?eclipse version="3.4"?>
contextRoot defines the URL pattern where the Vaadin servlet is reachable. contentLocation is a folder where the required web.xml configuration file can be found.
Save the „plugin.xml“ file.
15. Create the folder „WebContent„…
16. … and then a second folder „WEB-INF“ inside of „WebContent“
17. Create the „web.xml“ file in this folder, the tree should look like this:
18. The „web.xml“ contains the configuration of the servlet:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<web-app version="2.5" xmlns=""
<description>Vaadin production mode</description>
The <init-param> tag inside <servlet> defines our UI class of our application. We will create this class later. The <servlet-mapping> defines a mapping inside the webapplication path.
This means, if you would add a url-pattern like „/helloVaadinServlet/*“ to the Vaadin servlet, the URL to reach the application is
The „/helloVaadin/“ part is the defined in the contextPath parameter in the web application. When using another pattern as „/*„, an additional mapping for the Vaadin resources is required:
19. Go to „Build“ tab, and include the „Web-Content“ folder:
The following line should now appear in the file which includes the folder in the final Jar.
20. Create the Vaadin servlet class „ch.hasselba.vaadin.HelloVaadinUI“
21. Add the following code to the class
package ch.hasselba.vaadin;
import com.vaadin.server.VaadinRequest;
import com.vaadin.server.VaadinServlet;
import com.vaadin.shared.ui.label.ContentMode;
import com.vaadin.ui.Alignment;
import com.vaadin.ui.HorizontalLayout;
import com.vaadin.ui.Label;
import com.vaadin.ui.UI;
public class HelloVaadinUI extends UI {
public static class Servlet extends VaadinServlet {
protected void init(VaadinRequest request) {
HorizontalLayout layout = new HorizontalLayout();
Label label = new Label();
label.setValue("<h1>Hello Vaadin!</h1>");
layout.setComponentAlignment(label, Alignment.TOP_CENTER);
22. At the end, organize the manifest. Open tab „Overview“ and start the „Organize Manifest Wizard“
This updates the manifest and adds all resources for the Vaadin application.
Last but not least, save all project files.
25. Create a Feature Project named „HelloVaadinFeature“ and click on „Next“
27. Select the „HelloVaadin“ Plug-In
28. On the „Plugins“ tab, check the option „Unpack the plug-in archive after the installation„:
Save the file and…
29. … create the Update Site „HelloVaadinUpdateSite“
Add the feature…
… and build the site:
30. Import it to the Update Site on the Domino server and restart the HTTP task
31. That’s it! Open the URL in the browser and enjoy.
Cool! I was wondering if it’d be possible to do that, and it’s promising to see that it is.
I’d do a few things in another way to simplify this rough example.
Also organizing the manifest isn’t necessary. Putting the libs into WebContent/lib would be IMHO more appropriate. The vaadin-push jar isn’t needed.
I deploy the Jar’s in an extra plug-in. Then it is not required to store them in every application. I skipped these extra steps to shorten this tutorial a little bit (but that’s why I imported the push library, I just copied the setup from my dev environment).
Wow, and all of this just to do xPages with Vaadin? So unbelievably difficult!
No, to run Vaadin in an OSGi environment like Domino. The price for portability to other runtime environments.
Pingback: From XPages to Web App Part Seven: OSGi Application Development Introduction - Intec Systems | IBM Business Partner | Collaboration Solutions Provider
Sven, thank you so much for the cook-book! )
I have the following question: is it possible to deploy JSF 2.3 in the same way?
I have tried to deploy JSF 2.0, 2.1, 2.3, but always get the exception like the following (from JSF v2.3):
Unable to obtain InjectionProvider from init time FacesContext. Does this container implement the Mojarra Injection SPI?
Application was not properly initialized at startup, could not find Factory: javax.faces.context.FacesContextFactory. Attempting to find backup.
Uncaught init() exception thrown by servlet {0}: {2}
CWPWC0005E: Error occurred while initializing servlet wrapper. javax.servlet.ServletException: Uncaught initialization exception thrown by servlet Thread[Thread-6,5,main]
CWPWC0005E: Error occurred while initializing servlet wrapper. javax.servlet.ServletException: Uncaught initialization exception thrown by servlet
Application was not properly initialized at startup, could not find Factory: javax.faces.context.FacesContextFactory. Attempting to find backup.
Uncaught init() exception thrown by servlet {0}: {2}
Can you tell me how to do the same for GWT?
HowTo: GWT on Domino?