Domino & REST: A basic Servlet

To have a good starting point when creating RESTful applications on top of Domino, I have created a „Hello World“ example of a JEE Application, based on Apache Wink & Jackson 2.5.0.

The Jackson AnnotaionProcessor is registered into Apache Wink application and is enabled by default, the JAXB processor is also included as the secondary AnnotationProcessor. The benefit of this is that only one global ObjectMapper instance is created and is reused, wich allows a better performance as when you create an own instance of an ObjectMapper for every request.

The servlet is deployed as a Plugin, so you need a working XPages plugin development environment first before you can build it (I won’t get in the details at this time). The code of the servlet can be found in the domino-rest-servlet.plugin project.

First have a look into plugin.xml: This file contains the extension point used by the plugin, which means that this tells the Domino server what is inside and what to do next with the plugin. The extension point is of type „“ and allows to run our own JEE application, independently of the XPages runtime. The contextRoot is the URI part on which our application „listens“. The contentLocation is where files are searched when accessed from the browser, and points to the WebContent folder (as you already know, it is the same as in XPages projects when using the package explorer view). Here you can store static files and/or resources if required.

The web.xml file is the servlet configuration and the place where the servlet is registered. With servlet-mappings you can define URI pathes *inside* of the JEE application.

In this example, every request is mapped to the RestServlet servlet when it is send to „http://your.server/dominorestservlet/„. It will be now processed by the class ch.hasselba.dominorestservlet.RestApiApplication, which „knows“ the RestApiServlet because of the @Path annotations.

Our „Hello World“ example is registered for the URI „/helloworld/“ and only for HTTP GET requests. As soon you are opening „http://your.server/dominorestservlet/helloworld/„, an instance of HelloWorld is created and transformed to JSON. The result looks like this:

{"message":"Hello World!"}

During the next blog posts, I will expand this example and explain step by step how a seamless integration in the Domino environment works.

You can find the code here:

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