Das ist das Blog von Sven Hasselbach über Themen aus der Entwicklung und alles, was ihm sonst so durch den Kopf geht.
Seit 2003 als freiberuflicher Entwickler deutschlandweit im Einsatz, mit dem Schwerpunkten Lotus Notes & XPages, Spring, Java & OSGi
IBM ICS Champion 2013
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- Chris Eggenberger bei xsp.application.context.proxy
- Chris Eggenberger bei xsp.application.context.proxy
- Displaying Markdown in an XPage using the showdown.js library - bei XPages: Inject CSJS code at page top
Archiv der Kategorie: XPages
Quick-n-Dirty: Upgrading XPiNC / XULRunner
I have tested a small upgrade of XULRunner (the internal browser used for XPiNC applications) and successfully changed the version from to in DDE 8.5.3 and 9.0. Version was released on 15.10.2010 Release Notes for Firefox 3.6.10 … Weiterlesen
The Haunted Field
I am currently working on a huge application which exists for many years now, and has a long history with different developers and just a few manuals and/or documentations. But as often it is a critical business application which is … Weiterlesen
Veröffentlicht unter @Formula, Agenten, Allgemein, Lotus Script, XPages
Verschlagwortet mit @Formula, Agenten, Domino, Lotus Script, XPages
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XPages: Use a PhaseListener for global URL commands
One of my customers wanted an easy way for printing XPages in different formats and with different content, depending of the current XPage opened in the browser. It was a requirement to develope a global solution for every XPage-based application … Weiterlesen
XPages: Create your own Required Validators
If you try to implement your own JSF Validator (by implementing javax.faces.validator.Validator), you will notice that you are unable to check for an empty value. The reason for this is rather simple: The method validate() is only called, if there … Weiterlesen
Veröffentlicht unter Java, JSF, ServerSide JavaScript, XPages
Verschlagwortet mit 9.0, Designer, Domino, Java, JSF, ServerSide JavaScript, XPages
4 Kommentare
XPages: Dojo 1.8.1 & jQuery Mobile 1.3.1
As David Leedy got into trouble with Dojo 1.8.1 and jQuery Mobile 1.3.1 and after reading the follow up from Ulrich Krause with the analysis of the problem, I thought that this problem is caused from the AMD loader of … Weiterlesen
Veröffentlicht unter Dojo Toolkit, HTML, Java Script, ServerSide JavaScript, Web, XPages, XSP
Verschlagwortet mit 9.0, Dojo Toolkit, Domino, HTML, Java Script, jQuery, Mobile, Partial Refresh, Web, XPages, XSP
5 Kommentare
Quick-n-Dirty: Dojo 1.8 & Domino 8.5.3
If you want to use Dojo 1.8 with Domino 8.5.3, you can do the following: 1. Grab the Dojo JAR file from a ND9 installation: <PATH TO DOMINO>\osgi\shared\eclipse\plugins\<VERSION>.jar 2. Create a folder „dojo-1.8.0“ in your notes data directory <PATH TO … Weiterlesen
Veröffentlicht unter Dojo Toolkit, Infrastruktur, Java Script, Server, XPages
Verschlagwortet mit 8.5.3, 9.0, Administration, Dojo Toolkit, Domino, Java Script, Server, XPages
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XPages: Add inline CSJS with a Theme
I needed a way to add some inline CSJS to an existing application which affects any XPage, that’s why I did this them with a theme. Et voilà: <theme extends=“webstandard“ > <resources mode=“concat“> <script> … Weiterlesen
Veröffentlicht unter Java Script, Performance, Web, XPages
Verschlagwortet mit 8.5.3, 9.0, Domino, Java Script, Performance, Tipp, Web, XPages
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Notes 9: Some interesting
Some interesting new were introduced with Notes 9: xsp.client.resources.uncompressed When set to true, all Dojo libraries and CSS resources where delivered in the uncompressed version. The path changes f.e. to /xsp/.ibmxspres/dojoroot-1.8.1-u/dojo/dojo.js. xsp.client.script.dojo.html5attr When set to true, the Dojo HTML5 … Weiterlesen
Veröffentlicht unter Dojo Toolkit, HTML5, Server, XPages, XSP
Verschlagwortet mit 9.0, Dojo Toolkit, Domino, HTML5, Server, XPages, XSP
11 Kommentare
Quick-n-Dirty: How to add HTML 5 events
One way for adding unsupported events to an XPage or a component is the trick from Keith. But this is limited to CSJS only. If you need to execute a server side event, you just need change the name of … Weiterlesen
Veröffentlicht unter HTML, HTML5, Java Script, ServerSide JavaScript, Web, XPages
Verschlagwortet mit 8.5.3, Designer, Domino, HTML, HTML5, Java Script, Partial Refresh, ServerSide JavaScript, Tipp, Web, XPages
3 Kommentare
In Ya Facet!
Using Facets in XPages is very nice, because it gives you an easy way for a global design of your application (and much more). It can be used in all XPages and their custom controls. The xp:callback element defines a … Weiterlesen