Das ist das Blog von Sven Hasselbach über Themen aus der Entwicklung und alles, was ihm sonst so durch den Kopf geht.
Seit 2003 als freiberuflicher Entwickler deutschlandweit im Einsatz, mit dem Schwerpunkten Lotus Notes & XPages, Spring, Java & OSGi
IBM ICS Champion 2013
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- Chris Eggenberger bei xsp.application.context.proxy
- Chris Eggenberger bei xsp.application.context.proxy
- Displaying Markdown in an XPage using the showdown.js library - bei XPages: Inject CSJS code at page top
Archiv der Kategorie: Web
XPages: The Outputstream and binary data
As wiritten in the comments, Verne is correct. I just missed the „facesContext.responseComplete()“ in the beforeRenderResponse event. If you want to get control over the outputstream of a XPage, you can use the response object from the ExternalContext: var response … Weiterlesen
Veröffentlicht unter Java, Server, ServerSide JavaScript, Web, XPages
Verschlagwortet mit 8.5.3, Domino, HTTP, Java, Server, ServerSide JavaScript, Web, XPages
7 Kommentare
Security: Another XSS Vulnerability in Domino
Stephan Wissel wrote about a XSS vulnerabilty for Domino servers (< 8.5.4) and in his post you will get an advise how to protect your domino server against this attack. Thanks for this! Works great! But there is still a … Weiterlesen
Veröffentlicht unter Infrastruktur, Java Script, Security, Server, Web, XPages
Verschlagwortet mit 8.5.2, 8.5.3, Bug, Domino, Security, Server, Web, XPages
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Quick-n-Dirty: Disable Domino’s Cache for easier development
I am currently developing a larger application and have a lot of different mobile devices for testing purposes. After making some changes it is required that all test devices have the latest version of my XPages running, and that the … Weiterlesen
Veröffentlicht unter Allgemein, Infrastruktur, Server, Web
Verschlagwortet mit Administration, Domino, HTTP, Server, Web, XPages
2 Kommentare
Quick-n-Dirty: @ClientType() in XPages
The @ClientType formula provides an interesting behaviour: If you add the value to a label, the result will be as expected. It returns “Web” in Browser and returns “Notes” in XPiNC. <?xml version=“1.0″ encoding=“UTF-8″?> <xp:view xmlns:xp=““> <xp:label value=“#{javascript:@ClientType()}“ id=“label1″ /> … Weiterlesen
Veröffentlicht unter @Formula, Allgemein, ServerSide JavaScript, Web, XPages
Verschlagwortet mit @Formula, Domino, ServerSide JavaScript, Tipp, Web, XPages
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XPages: Run your own Servlets
A really interesting article about running your own servlets on domino server can be found here: It’s chinese, but you can translate f.e. with Google’s Translator. With 8.5.3 I had have some problems because the required interface IServletFactory could … Weiterlesen
Veröffentlicht unter Extensibility API, Java, JSF, Server, Web, XPages
Verschlagwortet mit 8.5.3, Domino, Extenisbility API, Java, JSF, Tipp, XPages
6 Kommentare
Controlling the HTTP Expires Header
After reading a question on stack overflow about setting an own HTTP expires header and the problem that an additional header is generated automatically, I made some tests how the domino server can be forced to stop this behaviour programmatically. … Weiterlesen
Quick-n-Dirty: HTML5 UIComponents without effort
Obviously it was Chris Toohey who first has discovered the way of manipulation UIComponents with the tagName attribute: The xp:text – element can easily manipulated to add HTML5 functionality to a XPages. By overriding the property tagName, the component … Weiterlesen
Veröffentlicht unter Allgemein, HTML, Java Script, JSF, Web, XPages, XSP
Verschlagwortet mit 8.5.3, Designer, Domino, HTML, Java Script, JSF, Partial Refresh, Tipp, Web, XPages, XSP
2 Kommentare
XSnippets: Cancel a partial refresh via SSJS
With the assistance of Philippe Riand I was able to shorten the original idea of canceling a partial refresh to a single SSJS function. By setting the HTTP header „X-XspRefreshId“ to „@none“ it is possible to get the same result … Weiterlesen
Veröffentlicht unter Allgemein, Dojo Toolkit, HTML, Java Script, Performance, Server, ServerSide JavaScript, Web, XPages, XSnippet, XSP
Verschlagwortet mit 8.5.3, Dojo Toolkit, Domino, HTML, HTTP, Java Script, Partial Refresh, Performance, Server, ServerSide JavaScript, Tipp, Web, XPages, XSnippet, XSP
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Cancel a partial refresh via SSJS
After reading Tim Tripcony’s blog post , I thought about a way how to cancel a partial refresh via server side javascript. To bring this to life, there are just three things to do: Abort the processing of the request … Weiterlesen
Veröffentlicht unter Allgemein, Dojo Toolkit, Java Script, Performance, Server, ServerSide JavaScript, Web, XPages, XSP
Verschlagwortet mit 8.5.3, Dojo Toolkit, Domino, HTML, HTTP, Java Script, Partial Refresh, Performance, Server, ServerSide JavaScript, Tipp, Web, XPages, XSP
4 Kommentare
XSnippets: Fire querySave / postSave – Events
The second XSnippet I have added to the XSnippet Contest is a help to fire the querySave– and postSave-events from SSJS: Save Datasource & Fire querySave/postSave events If you only do a simple , the events of a datasource … Weiterlesen
Veröffentlicht unter Java Script, ServerSide JavaScript, Web, XPages, XSnippet
Verschlagwortet mit Domino, ServerSide JavaScript, Tipp, XPages, XSnippet, XSP
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