Dropping Domino’s HTTP task (2): Running in User Context

To use the approach as an alternative to Domino’s HTTP task, we need support for the different user contexts, because using NotesFactory.createSession() just creates a session for the current Notes ID used.

This goal can be achived by using the Java NAPI and the following method:

import com.ibm.domino.napi.NException;
import com.ibm.domino.napi.c.NotesUtil;
import com.ibm.domino.napi.c.xsp.XSPNative; 

* create a new Domino session for the give username
* @param userName
* String containing the canonical username
* @return
* lotus.domino.Session for the given username
* @throws NException
* @throws ServletException
public static Session createUserSession(final String userName)
   Session session = null;
   try {
      long hList = NotesUtil.createUserNameList(userName);
      session = XSPNative.createXPageSession(userName, hList,
         false, false);

      return session;
   } catch (Exception e) {

   return session;

It is required to load the required njnotes.dll before this method can be used, otherwise the C-API references won’t work. This must be done after initiation of the NotesThread and (only once) per thread:


It is also required to use the full hierarchical name for the session creation, otherwise readers / authors won’t work correctly (you can create a session for every user you want, even for not existing ones).

To get this work correctly, I have created a little helper class which memorizes if the Notes-relevant part was already initialized for the thread used:

public class Utils {

   private static final ThreadLocal<Boolean> isNotesInitialized = new ThreadLocal<Boolean>();

   public static void initNotes(){

      // check if the Thread is already initialized
      if( Boolean.TRUE.equals( isNotesInitialized.get() ) )

      // init Notes

      // mark as initialized
      isNotesInitialized.set( Boolean.TRUE );



Now let’s activate Spring Boot Security on the new server by adding the required dependencies to the pom.xml:

<!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.springframework.boot/spring-boot-starter-security -->

To use the authentication with the existing Domino environment, we can use our own AuthenticationProvider:

import org.springframework.security.authentication.AuthenticationProvider;
import org.springframework.security.authentication.UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken;
import org.springframework.security.core.Authentication;
import org.springframework.security.core.AuthenticationException;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;

import org.springframework.security.authentication.BadCredentialsException;

public class CustomAuthenticationProvider implements AuthenticationProvider {

   public Authentication authenticate(Authentication authentication) throws AuthenticationException {
      String name = authentication.getName();
      String password = authentication.getCredentials().toString();

      String realUser = validatePassword( name, password );

      if( Utils.isEmptyString( realUser ) ){
         throw new BadCredentialsException("Authentication failed for user = " + name);

      return auth;

   public boolean supports(Class<?> authentication) {
      return authentication.equals(UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken.class);

   public String validatePassword( final String userName, final String password){
      // see https://github.com/hasselbach/domino-stateless-token-servlet/blob/master/src/ch/hasselba/servlet/DominoStatelessTokenServlet.java
      // and convert the username to the hierarchical one

If the authentication was successfull, we can access the correct username from the Principal object. Just add it as a parameter to the controller method, and you get the hierarchical name.

public Greeting greeting(HelloMessage message, Principal principal) throws Exception {

   Thread.sleep(1000); // simulated delay

   // init Notes

   // create the session for the user
   Session session = (Session) Utils.createUserSession(principal.getName());

   return new Greeting("Hello, " + HtmlUtils.htmlEscape( session.getEffectiveUserName() ) + "!" );

Now let’s see this in action:

I have ignored recycling and termination of the Notes threads for an easier understanding.

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5 Antworten zu Dropping Domino’s HTTP task (2): Running in User Context

  1. Markus sagt:

    Hello Sven,
    very cool. Is it also possible to use the OpenNTF Domino API (https://oda.openntf.org/)?

    best regards

  2. After I recycle the session, I also call


    to free up the memory for the NAMES_LIST structure. I guess you don’t yet because the hList is a private variable in the createUserSession method.

    • I never looked as deep into the hList and the memory consumtion, I never had problems here even with thousands of requests per minute in monthes long usage in productive environment… 🙂 But thanks for the hint!

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