Android Development

While I had a lot of work to do in my daily business, I was still able to complete five of six MOOCs about Android development during the last monthes. The courses were very cool, especially the ones about Concurrency and Security.

Topics covered during the MOOCs:

  • Screen configurations and sizes
  • Activity Class, Intents and Permission, Fragments
  • Designing user interfaces
  • Notifying users about important events
  • Handling concurrency
  • Acquiring data over the network
  • Leveraging multimedia and graphics
  • Incorporating touch and gestures
  • Working with sensors
  • Android Layers
  • Java Threading Mechanisms
  • Java Built-in Synchronization Mechanisms
  • Android Concurrency Framework Classes
  • Android Looper
  • Android Handler and HaMeR Framework
  •  The AsyncTask Framework
  • Blackbox and Whitebox Frameworks with AsyncTask
  • Monitor Object Pattern
  • Thread-Specific Storage Pattern
  • Command Processor Pattern
  • Active Object Pattern
  • Proxy Pattern
  • Broker Pattern
  • Half-Sync/Half-Async Pattern
  • Started and Bound Services
  • Activity and Service Communication
  • Service to Activity Communication Using Android Messenger
  • Android IntentService
  • Programming Bound Services with Messengers
  • The Android Interface Definition Language (AIDL)
  • Privilege Escalation Concepts
  • Spring, Configuration Annotations, Dependency Injection and Spring Security
  • OAuth
  • Retrofit Client
  • Android Content Providers and Content Resolvers
  • SQLite
  • and much more…

Thanks to Dr. Adam Porter, Dr. Douglas C. Schmidt and Dr. Jules White. It was very interesting and I learned a lot.

Coursera androidpart1 2015

Coursera androidpart2 2015

Coursera posacommunication 2015

Coursera posaconcurrency 2015

Coursera mobilecloudsecurity 2015

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Eine Antwort zu Android Development

  1. Thanks for posting this. I hadn’t known about before this. I might try this myself.

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