Das ist das Blog von Sven Hasselbach über Themen aus der Entwicklung und alles, was ihm sonst so durch den Kopf geht.
Seit 2003 als freiberuflicher Entwickler deutschlandweit im Einsatz, mit dem Schwerpunkten Lotus Notes & XPages, Spring, Java & OSGi
IBM ICS Champion 2013
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- Chris Eggenberger bei xsp.application.context.proxy
- Chris Eggenberger bei xsp.application.context.proxy
- Displaying Markdown in an XPage using the showdown.js library - bei XPages: Inject CSJS code at page top
Schlagwort-Archive: Server
Dropping Domino’s HTTP task (3): WebSSO Integration (Part 1)
To integrate the new HTTP stack into the existing environment, we can use LTPA tokens. These tokens are cookies which store the authentication information and allow to share them betweeen different participating Domino servers. A users must log on only … Weiterlesen
Veröffentlicht unter Java, Server, Web
Verschlagwortet mit Java, Server, Spring Boot, Web
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Dropping Domino’s HTTP task (2): Running in User Context
To use the approach as an alternative to Domino’s HTTP task, we need support for the different user contexts, because using NotesFactory.createSession() just creates a session for the current Notes ID used. This goal can be achived by using the … Weiterlesen
Veröffentlicht unter Java, Server, Web
Verschlagwortet mit Java, Server, Spring Boot, Web
5 Kommentare
Domino & Spring Boot: ScheduledTasks
When developing Spring Boot applications running on Domino, there is a feature which runs out of the box and makes developers happy: ScheduledTasks. These are the equivalent for agents, but they are running directly in the HTTP task (which allows … Weiterlesen
The anatomy of a LTPA token
LTPA Token LTPA token are widely used in the IBM world for authentication between different physical machines, also known as WebSSO. There are two three types available, LTPA1, LTPA2 and a Domino format. LTPA1 and LTPA2 are commonly used with … Weiterlesen
Domino & REST: Debug your Plugin
When developing OSGi Plugins, you should have your own development server running on your local machine. Not only because of the faster deployment of changes (a new version of a plugin must always deployed with a HTTP restart), but because … Weiterlesen
REST & Security: Why HTTP GET is insecure (and the other methods too)
Yesterday René commented that submitting username and password with HTTP GET is insecure, because they are submitted in clear text over the wire as part of the URI. At the first moment, I did not give some thought about it, because it is known … Weiterlesen
REST & Security: More about the DominoStatelessTokenServlet
During the last days I have refined the DominoStatelessTokenServlet a little bit. It is now a pre-beta release, and I think it is time to explain some details about it. While it is still a proof-of-concept, it demonstrates how a … Weiterlesen
XPages: WebContent Files (2) – Manipulate exitsting files using the Java NAPI
In this article, I will shortly give an overview how you can edit existing file from the WebContent folder (Don’t miss the first article on this topic). First, let’s create a view to display the design elements of the WebContent … Weiterlesen
The Voices Told Me To Do It!
1. „Create a new!“ 2. „Add all required classed to the build path!“ 3. „Add a useless message to the constructor!“ 4. „BUILD IT!“ 5. „Open the original Jar!“ 6. „In WinRAR!“ 7. „Overwrite the existing classes!“ 8. „Quick! … Weiterlesen
XPages: Optimized Partial Refreshs (2)
With the Optimized Partial Refresh you can do a lot of nice things: If only a part of the form is sent to the server, only this part of the components in the JSF component tree will be processed. This … Weiterlesen
Veröffentlicht unter Dojo Toolkit, Java, JSF, Performance, XPages, XSP
Verschlagwortet mit 9.0, Dojo Toolkit, Domino, Java Script, JSF, Partial Refresh, Performance, Server, XPages, XSP
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